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Pearls: Everyday Wear, Or Special Occasions?

Last Updated on August 24, 2023 by Carla Jonas

So, you’ve just received a new piece of pearl jewelry. Maybe it’s your first strand, or maybe it’s a new pair of earrings to add to your collection. Either way, you’re faced with a question: “When, and how often, should I wear my new pearls?

There is, unsurprisingly, no simple answer to this question. But with uncertainty comes freedom, right? Or, in other words, you can’t go wrong with any choice.

fancy-pearlsSome pearl pieces are family heirlooms only worn for special occasions. Given the sensitivity of the gemstone, only wearing them sporadically makes sense. The less time that pearls are subject to the perils of the environment, the less likely they are to be chipped or broken. Obviously, this safety is especially important for older or more expensive pearl objects.

But what is the point of owning something beautiful if you never get to wear it? It is true that pearls are not as strong as, say, diamonds, making the risk of damage higher if they’re worn every day. But with proper care and caution, you can keep your pearls safe, even during everyday wear. This means keeping them away from cosmetics and acidic materials and storing them safely.

Between the two extremes of everyday vs. special occasion wear lies a great number of options. And the bottom line is that the frequency with which you wear your pearls is really all about your personal style. Do you prefer a “signature” look that you wear most days? Or do you crave some variety in your wardrobe? There are pearl accessories to suit every style and budget. The trick is simply to find what works for you and stick with it. Fortunately, the problem of deciding when and where you should wear your pearls is quite a good problem to have indeed.

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