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Something Different: Off-Round Baroque Pearls

Last Updated on August 24, 2023 by Carla Jonas

baroque pearls

When you hear the word “pearl,” what do you picture in your mind? Many people envision a small, white, round gemstone either on its own as a stud earring, or perhaps paired with other pearls on a strand. But the truth is that pearls come in a wide variety of shapes, colors and styles. One lovely example of this variety is the baroque pearl.

The baroque, or off round pearl, is exactly what it sounds like – a pearl which is a shape other than “perfectly” round. You can find baroque pearls among every pearl type, from Tahitians to South Sea and everything in between. And while you might be inclined to think of “off round” as “imperfect,” quite the opposite is true. A baroque pearl is truly one of a kind.

While round pearl strands are made by taking large numbers of round pearls and sifting out those of similar size and shape, creating a baroque pearl strand is truly a work of art. Rather than simply finding pearls which are similar to one another, baroque pearl strands are made by finding baroque pearls which compliment one another, and which come together to form something truly gorgeous.

Best of all, because baroque pearls are not what many think of when considering the “traditional” pearl, baroque pearls are truly eye-catching and breathtaking. They provide a bit of the unexpected to the traditional wardrobe. And when you combine the unique shape with a non-traditional color such as those found in Golden or Tahitian pearls, the end result is truly something amazing.

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